
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Investments for Inflationary and Deflationary Environments Essay

Inflation is the raise of a price level of good and services over a period of time. When there is an inflation each unit of currency buys fewer goods than it was possible before. Inflation affects can be both positive and negaive. Positive effect inclule ensuring that central banks will ajust real interest rates and encaurage investment in non-moneaty capital projects and the negative side is that people hav uncertainty over future and can damage investments and savings. Inflation can be cosed because of big amount of money supply. So now what are the best investments during inflation? The good thing is that there are some places there money investments will be secured. Important during inflationary environment is to avoid having cash, it is good not to hold cash for long time and allocate it into other assets and investments. It is very good to invest cash into gold or other precious meas. It always casts a lot after the inflation or crises. Gold is seen as a hedge against uncertainty and store of value. Investing into gold is possible to buy gold or just to invest into company which are mining gold. It is profitable to invest in crude oil, a lot of people invest into it as a protection against inflation. Oil is inelastic supply, so any decrease or increase in price would not result the increase or decrease in supply. There is many ways investing into crude oil with its con and pros. If you want to invest in short fixed income, you should avoid the US treasure because they may underperform. When yields start to raise bond price will fall. This investment provides a return in the form of fixed periodic payments and eventual return of principal at maturity. Investing into technology is also very good both at deflationary and inflationary environment. Does not matter on an environment technology is in demand and will continue to evolve. It is good and profitable to buy treasure protected securities so called TIPS, it gives a safety of the government bonds during inflation. Deflation is the opposite of inflation, decrease in the general price-level of goods and services. Deflation occurred when inflation rate falls below 0%. Deflation increases the real value of money. While deflation cash is â€Å"king†. It the rule number one, cash is one of the best and the most safety investment at the deflationary environment. Pay off debts is also very good while deflationary time. It is a period when every single dollar matters, each dollar can be profitable in future. Companies may have problems while deflation, so it is very good to invest in companies which have ideal short selling targets. Buy also high quality dividend paying stocks. While most of the firms will lose pricing power large cap high quality companies will dominate their industries and will be able to maintain pricing power. Seek companies with pristine balance. While deflation, house prices fall, as such it is better or rent rather than own. While deflation technology will still be in demand. The technology was announces as one of the best areas to allocate capital in high quality equities. As we already know TIPs are long-term protection while inflationary environment. But there is an opinion that deflation will lead to inflation after a period of time. This is an early protection in deflationary environment to avoid problems in future.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Greenhouse Effect

Have you ever thought, why some people have breathing problems in the cities? The answer is simple – air pollution. Air pollution is one of the most important problems in the world. How can we solve this environmental problem? Today factories produce more and more cars. Factories and cars are one of the biggest air pollutants. To begin with, drivers should use unleaded petrol. However, they use leaded petrol, as it is cheaper. The cars should be banned from city centres, as they cause big smog. Another serious problem is that there are no filters in factories.Moreover, factory managers save their money. They do not care about nature and what may happen with it. Some plants just cannot afford to buy filters, as they are too expensive. Pasekmes This factory fumes cause acid rain, smog and other environmental problems. As a result, more and more people are developing skin cancer. Also, many trees, plants and animals continually die out. Sprendimo budai mankind can solve air pollu tion problems, but they do not want. However, we should take care and try to safe the world, because we are a part of nature. So, if nature dies, we will not survive either.Air is the ocean we breathe. Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. Air is 99. 9% nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and inert gases. Human activities can release substances into the air, some of which can cause problems for humans, plants, and animals. There are several main types of pollution and well-known effects of pollution which are commonly discussed. These include smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and â€Å"holes† in the ozone layer. Each of these problems has serious implications for our health and well-being as well as for the whole environment.One type of air pollution is the release of particles into the air from burning fuel for energy. Diesel smoke is a good example of this particulate matter. The particles are very small pieces of matter measuring about 2. 5 microns or about . 0001 inches. This type of pollution is sometimes referred to as â€Å"black carbon† pollution. The exhaust from burning fuels in automobiles, homes, and industries is a major source of pollution in the air. Some authorities believe that even the burning of wood and charcoal in fireplaces and barbeques can release significant quanitites of soot into the air.Another type of pollution is the release of noxious gases, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and chemical vapors. These can take part in further chemical reactions once they are in the atmosphere, forming smog and acid rain. Pollution also needs to be considered inside our homes, offices, and schools. Some of these pollutants can be created by indoor activities such as smoking and cooking. In the United States, we spend about 80-90% of our time inside buildings, and so our exposure to harmful indoor pollutants can be serious. It is therefore important to consider both indoor and o utdoor air pollution.Smog is a type of large-scale outdoor pollution. It is caused by chemical reactions between pollutants derived from different sources, primarily automobile exhaust and industrial emissions. Cities are often centers of these types of activities, and many suffer from the effects of smog, especially during the warm months of the year. Additional information about smog and its effects are available from Environment Canada and the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) in southern California. For each city, the exact causes of pollution may be different.Depending on the geographical location, temperature, wind and weather factors, pollution is dispersed differently. However, sometimes this does not happen and the pollution can build up to dangerous levels. A temperature inversion occurs when air close to the earth is cooler than the air above it. Under these conditions the pollution cannot rise and be dispersed. Cities surrounded by mountains also experience trapping of pollution. Inversion can happen in any season. Winter inversions are likely to cause particulate and cabon monoxide pollution. Summer inversions are more likely to create smog.Another consequence of outdoor air pollution is acid rain. When a pollutant, such as sulfuric acid combines with droplets of water in the air, the water (or snow) can become acidified. The effects of acid rain on the environment can be very serious. It damages plants by destroying their leaves, it poisons the soil, and it changes the chemistry of lakes and streams. Damage due to acid rain kills trees and harms animals, fish, and other wildlife. The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Environment Canada are among the organizations that are actively studying the acid rain problem.The Greenhouse Effect, also referred to as global warming, is generally believed to come from the build up of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is produced when fuels are burned. Plants convert carbon dioxide back to oxygen, but the release of carbon dioxide from human activities is higher than the world's plants can process. The situation is made worse since many of the earth's forests are being removed, and plant life is being damaged by acid rain. Thus, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is continuing to increase.This buildup acts like a blanket and traps heat close to the surface of our earth. Changes of even a few degrees will affect us all through changes in the climate and even the possibility that the polar ice caps may melt. (One of the consequences of polar ice cap melting would be a rise in global sea level, resulting in widespread coastal flooding. ) Additional resources and information about the Greenhouse Effect and global warming are available from the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the Science Education Academy of the Bay Area (SEABA) and the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ).Ozone depletion is another result of poll ution. Chemicals released by our activities affect the stratosphere , one of the atmospheric layers surrounding earth. The ozone layer in the stratosphere protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) from aerosol cans, cooling systems and refrigerator equipment removes some of the ozone, causing â€Å"holes†; to open up in this layer and allowing the radiation to reach the earth. Ultraviolet radiation is known to cause skin cancer and has damaging effects on plants and wildlife.Additional resources and information about the ozone depletion problem are available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Ozone ACTION. Many people spend large portion of time indoors – as much as 80-90% of their lives. We work, study, eat, drink and sleep in enclosed environments where air circulation may be restricted. For these reasons, some experts feel that more people suffer from the effects of ind oor air pollution than outdoor pollution. There are many sources of indoor air pollution.Tobacco smoke, cooking and heating appliances, and vapors from building materials, paints, furniture, etc. cause pollution inside buildings. Radon is a natural radioactive gas released from the earth, and it can be found concentrated in basements in some parts of the United States. Additional information about the radon problem is available from the USGS and the Minnesota Radon Project. Pollution exposure at home and work is often greater than outdoors. The California Air Resources Board estimates that indoor air pollutant levels are 25-62% greater than outside levels and can pose serious health problems.Both indoor and outdoor pollution need to be controlled and/or prevented. How can we prevent the damaging effection of pollution? Kas kelia pavoju-priezastys One of the most dangerous air pollutants is cigarette smoke. Restricting smoking is an important key to a healthier environment. Legislati on to control smoking is in effect in some locations, but personal exposure should be monitored and limited wherever possible. Additional information about the effects of â€Å"secondhand† cigarette smoke is available from the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) and Medicine On-line.Only through the efforts of scientists, business leaders, legislators, and individuals can we reduce the amount of air pollution on the planet. This challenge must be met by all of us in order to assure that a healthy environment will exist for ourselves and our children. Find out â€Å"What you can do to reduce air pollution†. Black carbon pollution is the release of tiny particles into the air from burning fuel for energy. Air pollution caused by such particulates has been a major problem since the beginning of the industrial revolution and the development of the internal combustion engine .Scientific publications dealing with the analysis of soot and smoke date back as early as 1896. Mankind has become so dependent on the burning of fossil fuels (petroleum products, coal, and natural gas) that the sum total of all combustion-related emissions now constitutes a serious and widespread problem, not only to human health, but also to the entire global environment. What is Air Pollution What Causes Air Pollution ———– facts sollution Smog hanging over cities is the most familiar and obvious form of air pollution.But there are different kinds of pollution—some visible, some invisible—that contribute to global warming. Generally any substance that people introduce into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on living things and the environment is considered air pollution. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. Though living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and othe r human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas.In the past 150 years, such activities have pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to raise its levels higher than they have been for hundreds of thousands of years. Other greenhouse gases include methane—which comes from such sources as swamps and gas emitted by livestock—and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which were used in refrigerants and aerosol propellants until they were banned because of their deteriorating effect on Earth's ozone layer. Another pollutant associated with climate change is sulfur dioxide, a component of smog. Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals are known rimarily as a cause of acid rain. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool. Volcanic eruptions can spew massive amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, sometimes causing cooling that lasts for years. In fact, vol canoes used to be the main source of atmospheric sulfur dioxide; today people are. Industrialized countries have worked to reduce levels of sulfur dioxide, smog, and smoke in order to improve people's health. But a result, not predicted until recently, is that the lower sulfur dioxide levels may actually make global warming worse.Just as sulfur dioxide from volcanoes can cool the planet by blocking sunlight, cutting the amount of the compound in the atmosphere lets more sunlight through, warming the Earth. This effect is exaggerated when elevated levels of other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the additional heat. Most people agree that to curb global warming, a variety of measures need to be taken. On a personal level, driving and flying less, recycling, and conservation reduces a person’s â€Å"carbon footprint†Ã¢â‚¬â€the amount of carbon dioxide a person is responsible for putting into the atmosphere.On a larger scale, governments are taking measures to lim it emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. One way is through the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement between countries that they will cut back on carbon dioxide emissions. Another method is to put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline, so that people and companies will have greater incentives to conserve energy and pollution. Air pollution is a phenomenon wherein the release of harmful chemicals in the atmosphere results in contamination of air, and makes it unsuitable for various lifeforms on the planet.It is considered to be one of the most serious environmental issues in the world. If air pollution statistics compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO) are to be believed, more than 3 million people in the world die due to some health problems related to environmental air pollution every year. That's not at all surprising, considering that the harmful effects of air pollution range from various health disorders in humans to destruction of the ozone la yer of the atmosphere. All being said, our priority now has to be prevention of air pollution and efforts need to start at the very grass root level, i. e. rom our side. Before we move on to the details of these ‘efforts', let's go through some important air pollution facts which emphasize on the need of its prevention. Why do we Need to Prevent Air Pollution? Air pollution is caused when various chemical substances are released in the Earth's atmosphere, as a result of some natural occurrences or some human activities. Natural causes of air pollution include volcanic eruptions, release of methane gas, wildfires etc; while the anthropogenic causes of the same include use of automobiles, power plants, use of solvents, waste deposition, use of nuclear weapons and a lot more.The list of chemical substances which have the tendency to contaminate the air include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, ammonia, etc. The high concentration of these substances in the atmosphere makes humans and animals more vulnerable to their hazardous effects. In fact, the effects of air pollution are much more intense than we can possibly imagine. For instance, studies reveal that as many as 500,000 people die from cardiopulmonary disease, which is caused as a result of inhaling fine particles in the atmosphere, in the United States alone every year.Natural hazards such as global warming and acid rain are also associated with air pollution to a significant extent. All these harmful effects call for the implementation of various measures for preventing air pollution, and the earlier we do it – the better it is for us. Some recent power plant designs minimize environmental impact by pumping colder water from further offshore, warming it to the temperature of the seawater surrounding the plant site, and then releasing it. This method minimizes the impact on the surrounding communities, but it still shocks hose eggs, larve, plank ton, and other organisms that are sucked through the power plant with the cooling water. The Living Water Water, a substance that is so often taken for granted yet is such an intricate part of our very existence. In the essay, Becoming Water, by Susan Zwinger, we are asked to make ourselves one with the waves. But why? How can a substance that has no taste or color be so important to life? Like the bonds people form with each other, water has bonds to all aspects of life. â€Å"Let them know in their viens that you both are connected everywhere. † (Zwinger, 243).These bonds are constantly being broken by our irresponsible actions. More precisely, by our tendencies to pollute. Many of us have sat and listened to lectures on how important water is to everything from humans to trees. Eight glasses a day is the recommended daily amount that should be consumed by humans. The human race depends on water for a variety of things. It is used in our hygiene, helps the body to maintain a constant temperature, flushes unwanted items from our systems, and of course provides us with many recreational activities, from swimming to water balloon fights.Indirectly, we are dependent on water because it allows vegetation to grow and animals to live. Also, remember that statistic that sixty percent of our body is water? Without water, there would be no us. For this reason, water has a bond to the human race. Water also has a bond to the land. It allows plants to grow. In fact, without water, try to get something to grow. You will probably end up with a beautifully dry, yellow looking plant. Many beautiful things like flowers, green grass, and tall trees would be nonexistent without water. Like humans, these living things are also dependent on water.The earth is two-thirds water and one-third land. â€Å"View the waterways of the earth as dendritic viens. † (239). Water is like a bridge connecting one place to another. â€Å"Swell up under fishermen in Viet Nam, care ss skin divers in the Caribean, strand a cruise vessel in Glacier bay. † (240). Water also has the power to destroy the land through storms. To demonstrate this power, Zwinger asks us to â€Å"Become fascinatingly deadly. Travel further north toward the poles, go to the extremes. † (240). From flooding to hurricanes, water can change the land and lives in the blink of an eye.This power of destruction is not something to be feared, it allows for the land to rebuild and start over. It is like an unbreakable contract linking the land to the water. I feel that Zwinger was trying to make us realize how important water is by writing Becoming Water. She points out the places which water travels and the things that it â€Å"sees†. â€Å"You have a pulse, the waves, and a metabolism, your food chain. † (242). Zwinger makes a nonliving thing take on human characteristics to stress her point. â€Å"A personality, a character, a conciousness, and a sense of purpose. † (242). I have to agree with her.All to often, we take for granted something that ensures our existence. We allow our waste to be thrown into the our water supplies. Motorized vehicles churn up the sediment from the bottom of a water source causing the water to become very turbid. Some industries even dispose of harmful chemicals into our water sources. In my home town, we have a lake named Crystal Lake. It is a spring fed body of water so, theoretically it should be relatively clean. On the contrary, the lake is disgustingly dirty. Many of the fish have died and swimmers itch has become a common aliment of lake's many swimmers.The problem has been attributed to the increased use of motor boats on the lake and the increased population that uses the lake. Another example of a water source filled with pollution is that big river called the Mississippi. Have you ever tried to look to the bottom of the river? Good luck. The river is so turbid you would be lucky to see one foot do wn. Besides the many gambling boats, the Mississippi is used to transport things by means of barges. Barges are very heavy; their weight causes the sediment from the bottom of the river to be churned up, hence the turbidity.Another problem is that things fall off barges into the water contaminating it even more. The Mississippi, like the lake in my hometown, has also been blessed with an ever increasing amount of motor vehicles on the river. These motor vehicles also add to the amount of sediment that is churned up. These are examples of how our society has allowed a precious resource to be wasted. So, after reading Zwinger's essay, I found it to be a reminder of how important water is to my existence. Water has bonds to both the land and all living things. Becoming Water was a wake up call.It put us, the reader, in a perspective we had probably never thought about. We were able to experience everything water experiences. This new perspective was a very interesting and original way for Zwinger to express her point of view. By making the reader â€Å"become† water, she allowed for a first hand view of the importance of water. By becoming more responsible and more aware of problems around us, we will be able to preserve something that is essential for our existence. Work Cited: Zwinger, Susan. â€Å"Becoming Water†. In American Nature Writing. Selected by John A. Murray. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1997. 38-243. cituoti ‘’Environment, Pollution and the Living Water. † 123HelpMe. com. 16 Apr 2012       . The Population Explosion According to the Population Reference Bureau, in 1991, there were about 5. 4 billion people in the world. The global birth to death rate was 27/9, meaning that for every person that dies, three more babies are born. From 1990 to 1991, the population increased by 95 million people, and now has continued to grow at that rate. This may appear to be no danger, but if one were to think of it as a pond doubling its amount of lily pads for 40 days, they'd see it differently.It would start out with one lily pad, the next day it has two, and on the 39th day it is half filled. However, in one day, on the 40th day, it will be completely filled. The Earth's population is doubling about every 40 years. We don't want to wait until the 79th year to fix our problem or else humankind will not have enough time to change the inevitable obstacles that come with overpopulation. In his book, The Population Explosion , Paul Ehrlich, a famous population controlist, came up with the equation I = PAT.He believes the impact on the environment is equal to the population multiplied by the affluence (meaning the amount of energy and food supply the population consumes) multiplied by the amount of destructive technology a country has. He showed that the impact is directly affected by the population. Therefore with a larger population, there is a greater impact on the Earth's water, air, and land. A commo n problem that people think is associated with overpopulation is running out of space to live, but there are also many other environmental predicaments that it causes.More people use more cars, need more firewood, drink more water. This causes more air pollution, more land ruined, and more water to disappear. Therefore, population control is necessary on an international level in order to protect our environment . There are experts who believe that population control is not needed such as in Singapore. The government in Singapore decided that it would be better for the country to grow in population so that they are able to help their economy. Many less developed countries promote population growth because they want their economy to grow.The experts who believe that it is better for us to let the population increase or decrease on its own also think that overpopulation will never become a problem. Justification for this argument is that humans will adjust themselves to the growing po pulation because they are a species that are able to think, make decisions, and find solutions when they encounter a problem Advocates for this argument think that there is no need to worry about environmental problems because there is or will be technology to fix the problems.As for with the limited amount of resources, they believe that there would be more people to think of new ways to make it easier or faster to get newer and more food and energy resources. Even during this time period, scientists are trying to discover a new way for people to live elsewhere such as under the sea. Many people believe that overpopulation will cause and has caused many environmental problems, but they don't think telling families how many children they are allowed to have is the way to control the population.However, there has not been any other plausible suggestion on how to lower population growth, so limiting families to two children is the only solution. The worry about overpopulation started when it was noticed that many of the earth's resources and environment were being hurt. It was traced back to three revolutions that humans populations had grown, where at first it didn't effect the environment, but later on with more advanced technology a lot of damage was done. The graph on the top of the next page shows the world's population growth for 1025 years.The information is from the Population Reference Bureau in 1989. It shows the population is growing geometrically, and will continue to do so unless population control is started. World Population 1000 AD to 2025 AD The first revolution was the evolutionary revolution, about 100,000 years ago during the Ice Age. These homosapiens had larger, more culturally elaborate communities than the earlier human forms. They hunted on a large scale, and as the food supply increased, so did their population. At the end of the Ice Age, there were about 5 million humans. The second revolution occurred around 8000 B.C. and was called t he Agricultural Revolution. At this time, humans were able to have a reliable source of food at a location of their choice. This was when villages and towns had started to form, and were able to store more food they needed at the time. This caused birth rates to go up, and families to get larger. Up to this point, only 6,000 years after the discovery of farming, the population increased by at least 4000%. Each century afterwards the population grew a little faster, with certain setbacks like during the Black Death, an outbreak of the bubonic plague.This killed a quarter to a third of the people in Europe during the 14th century, but still in 1650, the world population had grown to 500 million. It was the third revolution, a century later, that really increased the population and hurt the environment. This was the Industrial Revolution. During this time coal, petroleum, natural gases, and other new energy sources started allowing the world to have factories, railroads, automobiles, c hemical and plastic industries, and automated industries. It was also during this time that the death rate had been lowered, meaning people were able to live longer.This revolution introduced many positive things such as pest-control chemicals, modern sanitation, and medicine. These made life expectancy increase and infant mortality decrease. From 1750, when the Industrial Revolution started, to 1991, the life expectancy increased from 25 years to 65 years, and the infant mortality rate decreased from 400 to 68 per thousand births. It was during this Industrial Revolution that environmental damage started to occur. In Greece, they had worried about soil erosion from too many trees being cut down in their mountainous region. Deforestation also caused water runoffs, flood, and droughts in China.In Rome, the air and water had been dangerously polluted. In addition it was at this time that negative things started to occur such as oil spills in sea, automobile exhaust making too much smo g, and chloroflourocarbon gases that destroy the ozone layer being released into the atmosphere. The landfills were full and water sources polluted because of toxic waste from plastics and chemical manufacture. It was an increase of population that caused these things such as using up more landfill space, releasing more chloroflourocarbon gases, and more toxic waste to be dumped out in the ocean.Overpopulation is degrading the Earth's oceans and other water sources, and by doing so will not only lessen our water supply for the future, it will also hurt the animals living in the water. It is obvious that we need water to survive, but it will not do any good if the water is polluted. If there is a pond that is being degraded, when the pollution is released slowly, the microorganisms in the pond could break down the pollution. However, if it was released all at once, the pond can not get rid of the pollution fast enough and the water becomes degraded.With fewer people there is less pol lution released, leaving more time for the pollution to be degraded. (Randers, 257) In aquifers or natural underground reservoirs such as in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Egypt, the natural water has been depleted by more than 50 percent. As there is less and less natural water in them, more and more salty water from the Mediterranean Sea seep in contaminating the water. Under the Great Plains in the United States, the Ogallala Aquifer, that supplies one-fifth of the crop land in the United States with water, was half emptied in the late 1980's.If this aquifer is completely drained it may collapse causing sinkholes in the land above, and never allowing it to be refilled again. Not only will low water supplies affect a human necessity, it could also cause â€Å"water wars. † Ethiopia, for instance, wants to build dams along the upper part of the Nile river. This action, however, could prevent enough water from getting down to other countries that rely on the Nile such as E gypt. Also the Turkish government wants to build 21 dams along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.This strategy would cut 40 percent of the water flow from those rivers to Syria and 80 percent of the water flow to Iraq. Even though about two thirds of the Earth is water, not all of it is available for use. A lot of it is not even in the places where it is needed most. Between 1950 and 1980 in the United States, water use increased 150 percent, while the population grew by only 50 percent. In 1975, 19 countries in the developing world did not have enough renewable water resources, and it is expected that by the year 2000, that number will increase to 29 countries.By 2025, at least 37 nations could experience a severe demand for water. As said by the Population Institute's Werner Fornos in 1991, â€Å"The water crises of the 1990s will make the oil crises of the 1970's pale in comparison. † ( Stefoff, 67) Besides water, overpopulation is polluting the air we breath, and causing ma ny unwanted results such as the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the depletion of the ozone layer. The greenhouse effect had probably started around the industrial revolution when a large amount of carbon dioxide was released.These gases build up around the earth's outer atmosphere turning the earth into a greenhouse. What happens in a greenhouse is heat is allowed in, hits the ground and reflects back out. But instead of escaping back out into space, it is trapped inside the Earth's atmosphere, raising the Earth's average temperature. This greenhouse effect affects the temperature, which inadvertantly raises sea levels causing natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding, and heat waves not allowing crops to grow properly. (Stefoff, 39) Along with the greenhouse effect, there is the deteriorating ozone layer.The ozone layer regulates the quantity of UV light from coming down to the earth's surface from the sun. It has started to deteriorate from chloroflourocarbons (CFC's) be ing emitted into the air. These chemicals are found as fluids in air conditioning systems, as aerosol propellants, and as industrial solvents. Scientists say that each chlorine atom that is a part of a CFC compound can destroy up to 100,000 ozone atoms. However, even if we stop releasing CFC's into the air, it can remain in the atmosphere for 50 to 100 years and continue to degrade the ozone layer.With less of an ozone layer, more UV light enters the atmosphere and causes skin diseases such as skin cancer. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the degradation of the ozone layer will cause 12 million people to develop skin cancer within the next 50 years. Significantly, more than 200,000 of those cases will be fatal. (Keeling, 4) Acid rain is a direct result of air pollution which occurs when too many people are releasing toxins into the air. Fossil fuel that is burned is released into the air as a gas and reacts with sunlight, oxygen and moisture in the atmosphere.Thi s changes compounds like sulfur dioxide into sulfuric acid, and nitrogen oxide into nitric oxide. It precipitates to the ground and pollutes water and the land, killing fish, damaging forests and crops, and corroding metals. Main causes of air pollution are the needs of too many people for the use of cars and industrial plants, both which release many harmful fumes into the air. An increasing population leads to more CFC's emitted into the air from the car's air conditioning. Also when the cars are not able to be used anymore, they are taken to the junk yard, and occupy more landfill space.Furthermore, cars have damaged terrain when vacationers go over more land with off-road vehicles (Bouvier, 51). Again, increased usage of energy produced by oil, coal and natural gas-fired power plants will have a negative effect on the world's air. A larger population also increases usage of air conditioning when it becomes warmer. Air conditioners cause more carbon to be emitted, heat to be trap ped in the atmosphere, and UV light to enter in. Likewise, if there are less people, less air conditioning is used, and global warming and a deteriorating ozone layer could be prevented.According to the United States Nations Population Fund, they predict the developing countries will double their carbon dioxide emissions by 2025. What the population is causing, air pollution, is harmful to them. With air pollution, humans, plants, and animals do not have clean air to breath. Air is one of the necessities to life, and the cleaner it is, the better. As well as the Earth's water and air, there is another part of the environment that is a threat of too many people. Overpopulation is destroying the land and therefore could end the life of all the creatures onEarth. There are many examples that there is not enough land. For instance, there is not enough landfill space. Every year, the United States alone creates 13 billion tons of waste. This is 50 tons a person. How can there be enough r oom for all this trash? An example of this is in the state of Ohio. In 1988, Ohio started running out of landfill space. To solve this problem the government decided to make it easier to open new larger landfills. This allowed the owners of the landfills to lower their prices so businesses will want to use their landfills.Doing this could make people recycle less, take up more landfill space, and ruin the earth more. (Overpopulation, 3) Overpopulation also threatens the Earth's agricultural resources. An example of this is desertification of land. It occurs when fertile land is turned into infertile land. This can happen from overgrazing of cattle as in the southwestern United States, or erosion where the topsoil is carried away. Even irrigation can cause desertification if too much water is used, flooding the land, and not allowing crops to grow there anymore.Desertification is caused mostly by a growing population. More people need more food, causing more land to be used unproperl y. The most serious desertification occurs in places such as China, India, and Africa, all places with large, fast growing populations. Each year about 82,000 square miles, the same size as the state of Kansas, of the earth's surface is made useless by desertification. According to the United Nations Environment Program, by the mid-1980's 13 million square miles of the earth's surface had lost 25 percent of its productivity and 6 million square miles lost 50 ercent its productivity. Also in the United States, at least one-fifth of its land (not including Alaska and Hawaii) is desertified or is threatened by desertification. A third example of the deterioration of the Earth's land because of too large a population is deforestation. The Population Institute and the United Nations estimate that half of all the remaining forests will be destroyed by the year 2000. Forests are cut down for humankind's demand of fuelwood, agricultural space, paper products, and more space to live. However , forests are needed for more than human needs.They stabilize global weather, and when large amounts are cut down soil erosion and siltation of rivers occurs. They also regulate the amount of carbon dioxide let out into the atmosphere. When they are cut down and burned, not only are they not able to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released anymore, they increase the amount released because burning wood makes carbon dioxide (Keelings, 2). Rainfall is absorbed by trees and other vegetations into the ground, and then flows to springs, streams, and aquifers. With no forests, rainfall flows without being absorbed and aquifers and streams are not refilled.This, then, causes water shortages and droughts. Studies conducted by the United Nations show that between 1973 and 1988, 79 percent of total deforestation was a direct result of population growth. This is greatly due to the fact that 70 percent of all families in developing nations, which is about two billion people worldwide, rely on firewood as their only fuel. If they stop using firewood as their fuel they will have to use fuels that release gases to pollute the air. Already developed countries such as the United States also account for deforestation.In Canada, at least one million hectares are cut annually, and in Siberia, the rate of deforestation can be up to four million hectares annually, which is twice the rate of Brazil. An example of land being destroyed by overpopulation happened in the Sahel, a place along the sothern border of the Sahara desert in Africa. It is not a true desert, usually receiving 10 to 30 inches of rainfall a year. However, in the 1950's and 1960's, it received a high amount of rainfall. Also during this time the population increased greatly. For example, in Niger, one country that is a art of the Sahel, the population increased by 1. 3 million in a 14 year period. Everything seemed fine until in 1968 when a 20 year drought started. This affected everyone, but especially the nom ads who travel with herds of livestock. The land became infertile, the soil was carried away by the wind in enormous amounts, and any vegetation grown was either burned for fuel or eaten by the starving animals. Also because there was no vegetation to absorb the rainfall, the water quickly ran off, carrying more topsoil with it. Even now, much of the Sahel is still in famine.With more and more land being destroyed as the population grows larger and larger, there is not enough room for other species. The larger animals that need to travel over hundreds of square miles are left with less and less room as each town grows. Some animals such as frogs, are slowly decreasing in number because of pollution, which is caused by humans, that affect their eggs. Animals that live in the forest are also slowly disappearing because even though you can replant the trees you cut down, the animals that live there can not be brought back.An example of this is the Eastern migratory songbirds in Central America and Northeastern United States. Finally, it is estimated that each year 27,000 species vanish forever, meaning three plants, animals, insects or microorganism disappear every hour. Scientists estimate that about one fifth of all life forms will be gone in the next thirty years. None of them being named, and even less being studied or understood. The key to the answer to a problem could be lost forever. (Keelings, 2) Overpopulation is not a new issue.Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean is an example of when population control was needed, but was not used; the end results being disastrous. Around 1600, Easter Island had 7,000 Polynesians. They used the trees on the island for fishing boats and housing, and soon all the trees were cut down. When that occurred they were forced to live in caves. Soon they started to group together to fight with each other for resources, and even practiced cannibalism. When the Europeans arrived there in 1722, there were only 3,000 Polynesians lef t.Another example is of Mauritius, a tropical island nation in the Indian ocean. Fortunately they have a happier ending than the Polynesians. On this island there were as many people as in Bangladesh. The country had a balance of a good economy and ecosystem. The government officials of the nation had noticed that many ebony forests had been cut down causing erosion and the extinction of the dodo bird. Because of this they decided that they should set up population control and educate the people about stabilizing population growth. Now it is one of the most prosperous countries in Africa.As Richard Grove, an environmental historian of Cambridge University, said, â€Å"I would be much less pessimistic about the future if the rest of the world could act like Mauritius. † (Linden,70) It should be known that population control will not end all the problems mentioned above, but they would definitely allow more time for them to be fixed. Also, population control helps alienate envi ronment problems. The alternative, letting the population grow indefinitely could only hurt the environment. Overpopulation is a negative solution for everyone; plants, animals, land, water, and humans.According to the Index of Human Suffering in 1987, sponsored by the population Crisis committee, countries with a larger population increase also had higher suffering. The Earth's environment is finite and can be destroyed if we do not start population control. Measures need to be taken now to correct the current situation which includes the increase of deforestation and desertification, the decrease of farmland, more water pollution, the deteriorating ozone layer, and the greenhouse effect. Additionally, three new kinds of plants, animals or other species disappear every hour.It is evident that there is no way our population can keep growing at the rate it does now without severely negatively impacting our environment. We should learn from the mistakes of the people on Easter Island, and the solution the people on Mauritius used. It is our obligation to keep the environment in good condition for future generations. As most population scientists say, â€Å"Whatever your cause, it's a lost cause – unless we come to grips with overpopulation. † â€Å"Pollution and Environment Essay – The Population Explosion. â€Å"

Monday, July 29, 2019

Charter of Fundamental Rights Marks Coming of Age for EU As a Essay

Charter of Fundamental Rights Marks Coming of Age for EU As a Political Community - Essay Example But EU is a work in progress and, having been done with the tasks of border control and economic integration, it is time to move on to the more difficult areas, which assume social and political dimensions. These include home affairs, immigration, defense - and human rights. European states are regularly mentioned in the annual report of Amnesty International for human rights violations, although there is supposed to be a European Convention on Human Rights that regulates and controls these unwanted activities. This area of concern was the focus of attention at the EU Summit in June 1999, in which it was later decided that a new, more enforceable regional law on human rights is necessary to cap the Union's transformation from an economic organization to a political entity. When the EU members were collectively known as the Little Europe, the focus of attention were coal and steel and, later, the Common Market. This contributed immensely to the region's economic stability into the 1960s. As Menendez (2001) observed: "The Coal and Steel Community was a modest step but one that provided reassurance to economic actors and thus established the foundations for sustained economic recovery. There is thus a basis to argue that European integration contributed indirectly to the extensive protection of socio-economic rights within welfare states." That EU was more That EU was more preoccupied with socio-economic than political concerns at the start may be gleaned from the text of the original treaties establishing the European communities, which made only passing references to fundamental rights. This can be found only in the EC Treaty, specifically its Preamble, which acknowledges the organization's commitment "to preserve and strengthen peace and liberty." Article 119 of the Treaty also sets the principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women. . Even the subsequent Paris and Rome Treaties gave the same passing attention to fundamental rights and instead concentrated on integration and how to deal with economic issues. By thus omitting to articulate the tenets of fundamental rights, EC appeared to be emphasizing the nature of the organization. The limited reference to rights in the primary law of the Communities seems to be a fact beyond dispute. However, this should not necessarily lead to the conclusion that the then Little Europe was not about "rights." As Menendez (2001) saw it, rights remained one of the main goals of the project, if not the main one. On the drive for integration, for example, the actual path set for European integration implied an option for a different strategy of ensuring the protection of human rights. The preconditions for the protection of civic, social and political rights in Europe were established based on the region's unique historical and socio-economic context. This came about after the European Court of Justice reconsidered its earlier position that the basic rights and freedoms in EU member states ought to be protected by national constitutions. In 1969 Stauderl (19), the ECJ cited the general though unwritten principle of fundamental rights protection as a basic foundation of Community law. This shift in EU jurisprudence was further articulated in Internationale (20), when the Court restated that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysing Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Analysing Organization - Essay Example It is also worth mentioning in this context that in accordance with which the organizations differ from each other. Additionally, humans frame an important role within the organizational setting. These factors accumulatively design organizational behavior which reflects upon the study that investigates about the impact which an individual, structure and groups render upon the directives and performances with respect to interpersonal and inter-divisional roles within the premises of the organization. It is in this context that the behavioral approach determines the application of the knowledge in the attainment of the organizational objectives (Schein, 1985). With reference this context, the objective of the study is to brief the interpretive paradigm with respect to The Lego Group (Lego). The report will comprise of the details with regard to the various perspectives of the paradigm taking into account both theoretical and evidence based perspectives towards the aspect. The influence of the paradigm perspective upon Lego’s organizational culture and the analysis of such influence will also be assessed within the discussion henceforth. Paradigms Perspectives Paradigms reflect upon the description of all the interactions taking place within the society or organization or any other cluster as performed by the human participants. The broader view point or the perspectives that enable the social scientists to include tools that further help in describing the society and then framing hypothesis and theories accordingly reflect the paradigm perspective. The paradigms perspective, being mutually exclusive, offers alternative views with respect to the society, which in turn infers the reality of the society (Asiamah & Patel, 2009). This particular notion comprises within it the four important paradigm perspectives. The perspectives includes within it two major dimensions that are objective versus subjective and regulation versus radical change. In accordance with the objective versus subjective, it principally comprises the assumptions and the methodologies describing the social science and the nature of the human which is the first dimension in the paradigm. Correspondingly, the regulation versus radical change paradigm emphasized on the methods of treating the organization as a society on the basis of the assumptions concluded from the applied methodologies. To be precise, the four paradigm perspectives include functionalist sociology, interpretive sociology, radical humanism dimension and radical structuralism dimensions as can be observed from the pictorial diagram below (Asiamah & Patel, 2009). Source: (Asiamah & Patel, 2009) The functionalist sociology reflects the rational explanation to that of the social affairs. It also states the models and the methods that have been applied during the study of the human affairs. In this context, it assumes that the society is made up of concrete and materialistic aspirations as well as relations hips. The interpretive sociology further reflects the understanding of the world on the basis of subjective experiences. Correspondingly, the radical humanism dimension is concerned with the social constraints that limit the potentialities of the human activities. The radical perspective further justifies the radical change observed within

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Poetry Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poetry Interpretation - Essay Example By outward appearances, the man looks like he has it all. He is in a relationship, and probably seems well off within the trappings of a successful life. His lover is very committed to him. Yet something eats away at him and he is neither satisfied nor happy. Quite to the contrary, he feels out of control - like he is going "down the drain;" and he cannot control it because his life has assumed its own trajectory. His "body spins and sinks" like a rock tossed into deep murky water. His only escape is to fall asleep, but sleep merely throws him "into a black hole." From a black hole to sinking and being sucked down a drain, all of the imagery of this poem suggests someone unable to resist the overwhelming pull of gravity sucking him toward an undesirable existence. The things that should be pleasant for the man - sex and love - are more like drudgery and chores. Sex makes him "feel like a servant." Love makes him "feel like a slave." These things are serving someone else, his master, rather than himself. The imagery of a servant and a slave implies a sense of subordination and a life spent at someone else's pleasure. While his lover thinks the relationship is wonderful, that lover fails to see the one-sidedness of it all. The old notion of a committed lover being shackled with a ball-and-chain comes to mind.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Finacial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Finacial management - Essay Example Therefore, as a matter of investment objectives, the study turns to somewhat outrule the relevance of Payback Period, Internal rate of return (IRR) and Overall rate of return (ORR) investment appraisal techniques and invites to focus on Life-Cycle/Whole life Cost Analysis (LCCA/WLCA), NPV, Net Benefits (NB) and Net Savings (NS), Benefit-to-cost ratio (BCR) and Savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) appraisal techniques. Term 'somewhat' in this case refers to the existence of profit-bearing or cash inflow-bearing opportunities connected with letting office space to another governmental institution (department (A)) for a rent paid yearly. There are many methods available to calculate specific economic performance measures. Used appropriately, these methods allow the investor to analyze the economic consequences of particular decisions and fairly evaluate alternative approaches. The various economic analysis methods include: Net Benefits (NB) and Net Savings (NS) are analytical methods used to describe time-adjusted economic benefits or savings between competing alternatives. NB is used to examine how costs of competing alternatives impact investment opportunities (e.g. ... NB is used to examine how costs of competing alternatives impact investment opportunities (e.g. real estate income or factory output) measured in positive outcomes relative to a base case. The NS method is the NB method recast to fit the situation where there are no important benefits in terms of revenue, but there are reductions in future costs (savings). Benefit-to-cost ratio (BCR) and Savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) are numerical ratios whose size indicates the economic performance of an investment. For example, a BCR of 1.5 means that one can expect to realize $1.50 for every $1.00 invested in the project over and above the required (baseline) rate of return. A primary application of BCR and SIR is to set funding priorities among competing projects when there is a limited overall program budget. Internal rate of return (IRR) is a measure of the annual percentage yield on investment. The IRR is compared against the investor's minimum acceptable rate of return to determine the economic attractiveness of the investment. This often misunderstood method is primarily used in Pro forma analysis in industrial and financial circles. Overall rate of return (ORR) is the annual yield from a project over the study period, taking into account reinvestment of interim receipts. Project earnings and earnings from reinvestment are accumulated to the end of the study period and set equal to the present value of cost to compute the ORR. This method offers another means of analyzing and ranking the economic performance expectations of competing alternatives. Discounted payback (DPB) and Simple payback (SPB) measure the time required to recover investment costs. If one ignores the time value of money (assume a zero discount rate), the method is called

Global Awareness and Modern Business Survival Term Paper

Global Awareness and Modern Business Survival - Term Paper Example Basically, in order for an organization to remain relevant in the market for long-term basis, it is critical for the organization to find ways of developing and maintaining competitive advantage. This can only be learned from contemplation of how different markets around the world behaves and what is required to create a strategy that would keep the organization relevant even in the long run. Although the primary goal of every organization is to make profits, it is essential to study other areas relevant to keep the organization relevant in the market. The global business operation requires organizations to consider strategic areas that the customer and community are equally focusing on and define as practices of a successful organization. For instance, although definition of organizations focusing on long-term goals tends to or revolves around sustainability, other areas are critical focusing on or that foster the sustainability. Notably, issues of corporate social responsibility ha ve been highly prioritized globally as to having played a key role in strategically placing organizations in a position to thrive in a highly competitive market. Specifically, customers and the community through which businesses operates are looking beyond what the business offers. This is critical because issues such as environmental and social are considered ideal in any business operations. In addition, governance issues have also been prioritized globally. Studies have documented that organizations that have good practices of governance tends to win the favor of investors and employees. This means that such organizations recognize employees as part of the primary assets of the organization thus according them the treatment they deserve. In this regard, global awareness means that the organization learns different ways through which such matters other than profit gaining can positively contribute to the organization. Incentives such as different and new ways of attracting and ret aining competent workforce are contemplated upon. In another dimension, due to globalization, different ideas, innovations, and new ways of conducting business are learned. In fact, these issues can easily be learned by subjecting not only the organization leaders, but also the workforce in training and development programs. The idea behind such a move is to produce or develop people who can formulate and integrate multinational strategies in the organization. Globalization has effects both for local businesses as well as well as the international businesses. In a global business environment, every business in the world is competing with another business in the world, as long as they are in the same sector. For instance, a dairy farmer in America is in competition with a dairy farmer in Africa. In this regard, if a dairy farmer does fails to gain the competition which makes a dairy farmer in the Africa has, the farmer will have issues. This phenomenon can be exemplified in the trade relations between the China and the United States (China Briefing Media, 2006). Because Chinese manufacturers can achieve the highest competencies as compared to US firms, Chinese producers have taken over the US economy. If a firm in one market in the world is unable to meet the competencies in the global economy, the firm will be pushed out of the market by a firm that is far away in the world. This has been seen in numerous situations. For instance, South African farmers have been able to find way to produce low price and high quality agricultural products. The cost of production and expert for these firms have been so low that they are able to produce and exported products around the work and sell the so cheaply in the export market at they are able to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compliance With Sarbanes Oxley Act for Companies in United States Essay

Compliance With Sarbanes Oxley Act for Companies in United States - Essay Example Accounting is a key area in every organization’s business. Correct recording and representation of material financial and operational facts about a company is critical for stakeholders to measure their interests into the company. Several industry standards are available for correct recording, calculation, and representation of this information. In addition, almost every country makes or adopts an accounting and internal control system which is mandatory for all the companies to follow. As time passes by, needs and requirements of new and comprehensive systems emerge that necessitates changes in the way traditional accounting and control systems operate.4.2  Background  The corporate world in United States took severe setbacks when scandals were surfaced about many large and multinational organizations in late 20th century. The companies like Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom were all victims of incorrect, ambiguous, unethical and inappropriate practices which remained hidden for a long period before they were finally identified and brought to the attention of the world. This sequence of events negatively affected shareholders’ and general public’s trust over the reliability and accuracy of financial information as published by companies. A general feeling was that of distrust, disbelieve, doubt and annoyance with the audit and internal controls systems of organizations. This state of affairs triggered a requirement for a regulation that could establish legal requirements for companies to ensure.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reaction paper on religious Tolerance Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reaction paper on religious Tolerance - Article Example per will analyze the opinions expressed by two prominent authors on religious phenomenon and tolerance and explain their profound influence on my understanding of concepts like religion, morality and tolerance. In his article titled ‘This Is a Religious War: September 11 was Only the Beginning’, the author Andrew Sullivan expresses his opinions on various issues related to religion, inter-faith clashes and religious fundamentalism. Many of my opinions on religious phenomenon and tolerance have in fact been shaped on Sullivan’s views and arguments. Sullivan says that in principle, faith is a form of conflict with reason, which in effect implies that it is in conflict with science. He further says that the only ultimate truth is god and that science can never disprove this true faith as it rests on truth. Science or reasoning can thus never find reason for conflict with this truth. I also find his interpretation of religious evolution as an interesting observation on human civilization and development. The belief that god created the universe does imply that any explanation on its formulation cannot find reason to contradict its creator, in other words find fault with any faith as all of them reconcile to the truth that will always remain beyond our fullest perception and understanding. Sullivan undoubtedly encourages religious tolerance by taking a harsh stand on fundamentalism across all religions. He not only criticizes the justification of violence as a means of achieving religious ends, but also despises fundamentalism as an obstacle in introducing doubt into the faith and its reluctance to encourage human reason. In fact, the cornerstone of religious tolerance is to rid oneself of exclusion and pride and to treat mystery as the primary reality behind any religious pursuit. While this may uphold truth that cannot be proven empirically, it nevertheless does not provide room for any hatred against other faiths. In January 2008, the noted psychologist

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Artists and Repertoire (A+R) in the Music Industry Essay

Artists and Repertoire (A+R) in the Music Industry - Essay Example 2006). The A&R is the department of a record label that undertakes talent scouting and manages the artistic development of recording artists. In essence, it acts as the link between the artists and the record label. Therefore, the A&R department plays a major role in discovering new recording artists and recruiting them to the company, through understanding of the current market preferences and tastes, and selecting the artists who will be commercially successful. For A+R staff to carryout the task of recruiting commercially viable new artists, they should first understand the specific ways in which musical production is shaped by a particular genre of cultures and the broader historical and social context within which the production takes place (Negus, 1999, P.13). Generally, in the music industry, the A&R staffs are seen as mediators or intermediaries. According to Negus, Music industry personnel act as mediators, continually connecting artists and audiences; the music business sta ff works as intermediaries, not only during the most obvious marketing and during promotion activities, but also when introducing the idea of an imagined audience into the writing, producing and recording of songs in the studio, stressing that they are engaged in presentation and representation providing symbolic goods and services (Negus, 1999, P.18). More so, apart from singing bands to record labels, the A&R staff is mostly obsessed with music and is in touch with particular music scenes, is very influential, and is widely viewed as important ingredient to a successful record label (Carter, Clegg, Kornberger, & Schweitzer, 2011, P.389). The A&R staffs are the key for the established corporate label in creating music scenes (informal assemblages) which become imbedded in the music industry mostly for promotional purposes (Bennett & Peterson, 2004, P.4). The roles of A&R staff vary depending on the designation, ranging from artist manager, music lawyer, music accountant, booking ag ent, music merchandiser, promoter, venue booker; and other titles depending on the label. Mostly, the A&R staffs are recruited based on their skills rather than on formal qualifications, with experience and backgrounds such as artist management, production, and DJing being an added advantage (Hannan, 2003, P.158). Another major duty of A&R staff is to help the artist locate the suitable producer, prepare recording schedule in the recording studio and offer advice to the artist on the best ways to improve the quality of their recording. They are therefore involved in helping an artist choose the best songs to record, and are very vital in finding songs and songwriters. Additionally, most of A&R staffs are expected to be talented in arts and music in order to accomplish varied roles involved in this field. For example, take the famous artist, composer, producer, and music reviewer, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, who began exploiting his career early in life through composing music, perfo rmance reviews, reviews of published music, and was an advocate of the avant-garde music (Adorno, Leppert, & Gillespie, 2002, P.14). Lastly, the A&R will involve liaising with other department such marketing in assisting the artist to market the released record. To sum the work of A&R staff the appreciation of the artist’s work must be spread from the record company to radio programmer, and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dbq on Mongol Dominance Essay Example for Free

Dbq on Mongol Dominance Essay The role of Mongol dominance in the integration of Eurasia was an important role because of inventions, their ideas, and the politics. The inventions of the Mogols helped to turn them into a huge melting pot. In document 4 we learned of their invention of the passport. This allowed people to move to travel around the empire easier with less hassle. While they moved they carried their ideas and told other about them which cause that to spread causing many diverse ideas among the people causing major diversity and diaspora of ideas. The passport was later adopted by the Europeans. In document 6 we learned about their use of moveable type. They used it to write things easily and more efficiently. They could use it to spread their ideas along to other empires and so on. The ideas of the Mongols helped them with integration too. In document 1 with the excerpt from Genghis Khan was that people should have their rights and freedoms of their own religion and none be forced upon them. So religion and cultural aspects could mix and their society would flourish. I believe he said this because he saw other civilizations fall because of internal rebellion against people trying to force people into doing something they didn’t want to do. With his system though it allowed everyone to be happy about having their religious beliefs .Also when people talked about their religion with others then that cause new religions to be made with the combining of the talked about religion . In document 5 that Mongols had ideas of knowledge and were very educated in astronomy and engineering. They were not just brutes that tore down stuff in there path and took over places just to lead them carelessly, they were the exact opposite. They were intelligent and continued to learn and become a much more sophisticated society over time. It apparently worked because in Document 3 it showed the empires that the Mongols were able to take control of because of their ideas on how to rule places you have taken over. Politics were important in their society. Document 1 it was excerpt from Genghis Khan which was like a precedent to all future Khan Rulers. It told them how to act and lead their society. In Document 2 it had information about the roles of the women in the empire. After one of the Khans’s died it was the wife’s job to make sure that her son would be heir of the throne. This kept the throne within the family. It was like insurance that the ruler ship would be left to someone who was a worthy enough to rule a huge empire. The Inventions, ideas, and politics affected the role of Mongol dominance integration of Eurasia greatly.

The Psychological And Physical Aspects Of Hypnosis Philosophy Essay

The Psychological And Physical Aspects Of Hypnosis Philosophy Essay In this essay I am going to look at what hypnosis is. I will look at the definition of the word hypnosis and how it relates to the practice of hypnotherapy. I will then go on to look at the history, paying particular attention to Franz Mesmer and James Braid. We will look at the difference between hypnosis and meditation and the common myths surrounding hypnosis. And also the physical effects hypnosis can have on patients. Hypnosis comes from the Greek word Hypnos which means to sleep. Hypnosis is a state of relaxation where the state of awareness is elevated by suggestion. Forms of hypnosis have been used as long ago as forth century BC, with evidence to support it being used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. We will now look at Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 1815) who was born in Iznang, Germany. Mesmer originally studied medicine, where he published his doctoral, On the influence of the planets on the Human Body. The dissertation discussed the relationship between the human body and disease in relation to the moon and planets. Although this was later thought to be plagiarised from the work of Richard Mead (1673 1754) In 1768 Mesmer married wealthy widow Anna Maria Von Posch and moved to Vienna, where he began his work on what he would later call animal magnetism. Mesmer had always been convinced that he had more magnetic power than most people, and so could work the cures better (Waterfield, 2004: 88) Mesmers work with Franziska Osterlin in 1774, involved her swallowing iron and then placing magnets on the different parts of her body. The patient claimed to feel fluid flowing through her body and several hours later her symptoms had gone. Mesmer however did not believe that this was due to the magnets alone and that it was the animal magnetism that had in fact relieved her of her symptoms. By 1776 Mesmer was surrounded by a scandal after he attempted to restore the vision of Maria Theresia Paradis, a musician who had been blind since birth. Mesmer attempted to restore the musicians sight but subsequently she lost all ability to play the piano and was taken away by her parents and Mesmer was then under speculation of using magic. Mesmer then left Vienna and moved to Paris where he started a medical practice. Whilst in Paris Mesmer worked with individuals and groups, by 1780 Mesmer had too many patients and therefore used a treatment called baquet where he would treat up to 20 people at a time. In 1784 and at the request of King Louis XVI a series of experiments were conducted by members of the Faculty of medicine to distinguish if Mesmer had in fact discovered a new physical fluid. However there was no evidence to prove this and that it was in fact down to the imagination. Mesmer died in 1815 of a stoke and in his last 20 years no one knows of any further work that Mesmer may have done. Alexandre Bertrand (1795 1831) work was of huge significance to the history of hypnosis. He did not agree with Mesmers theory of a mystical fluid and believed that it was the art of suggestion. James Braid (1795 1860) began working on his own method of mesmerisation after witnessing a demonstration which showed subjects going into a physical state quite different to their normal behaviour. After much work Braid changed his theory of it being a sleep-based physiological theory to a psychological theory. Braid believed that hypnotism was a nervous sleep which could be inflicted by staring at a bright object, although much later Braid stated that only a small minority could be affected (only 10%.) Braid used the word hypnosis which led to much confusion as people believe that they would in fact be asleep, Braid did try and later re-name this to monoeidism but people continued to use the word hypnosis, which is what it is still referred to today. Later Braid stopped using bright objects after realising that he could achieve the same outcome simply by talking to his patients with suggestion. He distinguished the shallow and deep phrases or layers of the trance states; the first he called sub-hypnotic and claimed that it was this that the electro-biologists could produce; the second he called the double conscious, because he found his subjects to be dissociated (as we would now say) from their normal states. (Waterfield, 2004: 203) A strong follower of Braids work was Ambroise-Auguste Liebeault (1823 1904) who was the founder of the Nancy School, also known as the Suggestion School believed that the verbal suggestion was a powerful tool in successfully treating medical conditions and believed that everyone could be hypnotized. Due to the controversy surrounding hypnosis and the difficulty in obtaining consent from his patients Liebeault gave his patients a choice. They could either pay for the traditional treatment or consent to hypnotherapy which they could get for free, due to most of Liebeaults patients being poor many agreed to hypnosis, allowing Liebeault to continue to develop hypnosis. Many people have the incorrect belief that meditation and hypnosis are in fact the same thing; however it is important to distinguish the differences. Whilst they do share similar techniques such as visualisation and breathing, meditation is used to free the mind from conscious thought, whereas hypnotherapy is used for a specific outcome. Therefore whilst meditation and hypnotherapy both aim to relax the patient, hypnotherapy will then lead the patient through therapeutic suggestions. This technique can then be used to change the sub-conscious mind, e.g. telling a person who wants to quit smoking that smoking is bad for them. Hypnotherapy is a tool that can be used to deliver messages to the sub-conscious mind. There has been much research done on the physical aspects of hypnosis. A number of scientists who have done such research on this subject believe that there are no physical differences to being under hypnosis and those who are not. These scientists state that although the heart rate who slower this was the same for those who were in a relaxed state. However what has been found to be different is the brain activity. Electroencephalographs or EGGs are used to measure a persons electrical brain activity, the first recorded was in 1929 by Hans Barger. Brain waves look consistently different in people who as awake compare to those who are asleep, and people who are relaxed compare to those who are at full alert. Neurologists believe that the brain has two sides, the right side controls a persons creativity and the left is the logical control centre. Whilst under hypnosis, scientists have found that the left side of the brain has a reduced level of activity. There are four types of brain w aves, beta, alpha, theta and delta. Beta brain waves are when a person is awake and fully conscious. Like I am now whilst writing this, I am fully alert and my conscious mind is in control. Alpha brain waves are what everyone has throughout the day. This is when a person day dreams or closes their eyes to relax. In alpha the subconscious mind is being more dominant over the conscious mind. A person is in a light trance, it is in this state that hypnotic suggestion can have effective results. Theta brain waves can be present when meditating, dreaming or being in the zone. The subconscious mind is totally in control. A hypnotherapist can take you to past experiences and where emotions can be found. Theta brain waves can also be present when doing tasks that a person does often. Such as driving home from work, its a journey that you are used to and know the roads well, but a person can bring themselves out of theta in these situations is order to drive carefully. It is quite common when going into theta on a familiar drive that you cant actually remember part of the journey. Delta brain waves are when we go into our subconscious and no other brain waves are present. Delta is what we experience when we are asleep. Most people do not fall asleep when they are under hypnosis, if this does happen then the client can come back into theta state where they can follow the suggestions given by hypnotherapist. If a client stays in delta then suggestion will not work and it will not be effective in the subconscious mind. There are many myths surrounding hypnosis, which still leads people to be dismissive of this form of therapy. This includes the popular belief that hypnotists have some sort of Special Powers and that they can use these powers to get their patients to do silly things, e.g. cluck like a chicken every time the door bell rings or to say or do something that they do not wish to do. This is not the case and everyone under hypnosis is in control and will not do anything they do not wish to do. If you are under hypnosis and someone tells you to do something that you do not wish to do you simply will not do it and it most cases it will actually bring you out of the hypnotic state. Another myth is that people who have hypnosis are weak minded, it is true that the best patients are those that have a creative imagination and are open to the idea of hypnosis will go into the relaxed state easier and deeper but it is true that everyone is suggestible and therefore it is not that it will only work on weak minded people. It is also a common belief that hypnosis can make a person physically stronger or a better athlete. However hypnosis can only enhance a persons existing physical capabilities. There are many more myths surrounding hypnosis which still leave people reluctant to try this form of therapy, these myths will only disperse once people fully understand what hypnosis is.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marketing Plan and Strategy for Online Company

Marketing Plan and Strategy for Online Company The marketing plan explains the creation of an on line T-shirt Company by the name of The T-shirt. It explains on what grounds the company is made and the tactics to run the business. The situational analysis explains the background of the business. The marketing plan explains how the product will be made acceptable by the audience and the methods of awareness that will used to make the product know to the market in Karachi, Pakistan. It also explains the ways that will help the product to capture the market in lesser time period. The total amount for initiating the business is $100,700/= (I need about 40,000 pounds investment)- this amount is apprx 63000 in pound, please let me know if we have to only consider the exact amount of 40,000 punds. Kindly confirm this so that we have to change the change our costing sheet. The T-shirt Companys ( the name of the company is T-Shirt company mission is to offer far above the ground superiority t-shirts to target audiences with a plan to expa nd in future moving into further product categories. It has been anticipated that the business will grow in the coming three years with gradual increases in the revenues. (And also try to set a target market like Pakistan, dubai etc, because we cant serve whole world there are different rates like currency and postage rates which will confuse us,so it is imposible to serve whole world)- Karachi is mentioned in the report now 1. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS The availability of internet makes it incredibly easy to instigate an apparel Web site comparatively promptly. The initiative to start the business will start with the assembly of an internet based on line shop for the propagation and the development of the business. Similar to a physical, bricks-and-mortar T-shirt business, the establishment of the company is backed by research and planning for future penetration and to capture market in less time (Woerndl 2007). The online company by the name of The T-shirt Company is an innovative and exciting business that will help the customers to wear a designed- shirt of their own choice based in Karachi, Pakistan. The business will be aided by latest computer technology to help in customized printing o T-shirts in small bulks. This online company will accept orders from anywhere at any time. The option to choose the material, style and design will be always there. The front and back designing can be chosen by the customer. Hence the customer can express himself ultimately. The T-shirt with the customized designs will help a person the inner feeling of be a fanatic or a sportsman or a musician or the customer can feel the celebrity feeling by wearing a T-shirt having a picture of a celebrity imprinted on it. The T-shirt may be imprinted with a social message or a causative clause to capture the attraction of others (Urban 2004). 1.1 Marketing and Brand Strategy The company will provide a number of options for the T-shirt wearers. The business is solely meant for T-shirt ordering. The T-shirt Company will have ties with printing companies to utilize their printer sublimation technology. This will help in developing a computer image to be applied to a shirt in a high quality, high resolution, and economically feasible manner. The use of this technology will help the customer to use the shirt for a longer period of time with out any tension of the print to be washed away. The sublimation technology is cost efficient enough to offer customers the ability to order just one unit. The customer may choose from a wide-ranging collection of accessible imagery, provide their own image, or have an artist generate a representation for them (Ackerberg 2001). Marketing Sales Strategy The sales strategy will make putting the order to The T-shirt Company a pleasing experience. The sales team will continuously work for the website since it is the main portal for the purpose of ordering. The sales will work on the persistent development of the website which is considered as the main instrument used for ordering. Similarly, the website will be user friendly since it will be the direct source to come in contact with the customer. It is necessary since all the choices for the customer are available on the web portal. The sales will be performed directly on this portal. The directions for the usage of the site will be easy to understand so that the customer will not get frustrated. It will be important to have a responsive, comprehensible web interface for two major reasons. First, there are so numerous choices accessible that it could turn into daunting to the patron and the second reason is that a large segment of sales will be positioned on the website. It is essentia l to create it so uncomplicated that people dont impede part way throughout ordering process due to cumbersome (Cateora and Graham 2007). The T-shirt will also incorporate the following techniques for boosting the sales. The priority is extraordinary customer service. The second technique is to fulfill the order giving the customer a feeling of furnished product and giving the customer a sense that the business is meant for the customer. Sales can be enhanced by providing high quality products (The Finance Resource 2010). Competitive Edge The T-shirt Company has following dominant competitive advantages. The strategic partnerships with companies that have existing graphic image libraries, The T-shirt Company is able to offer an extraordinary number of options. Other competitors costs proscribe printing custom shirts in one-off manufacturing runs while the T-shirt Company offers single item order (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). The T-shirt Company is a unique online T-shirt company that offers a wide range of customized products. It uses the sublimation process to put the prints on the fabric of T-shirts. This is a cost effective method since the T-shirt Company offers the option of small production runs. The use of recent technology has made the use of sublimation process cost efficient (Eighmey 1997). As specified and prà ©cised by the name, there will mainly be an emphasis on T-shirts. Organic fabrics, Long sleeves, Short sleeves and a variety of styles will also be offered (The Finance Resource 2010). Corporate strategy The corporate strategy of The T-shirts Company focuses its customers and peers keeping in view the idea to bring innovation and style in the world of T-shirt market. Build connection with consumers Bring affordable products with the demand the customers Make our online company a competitive advantage, through regulation and distinction Speed up growth through focused implementation The corporate strategy is meant to leverage the brand strategy (Johnson 1998). Brand Strategy Our brand reflects youth and style hence the tag line will be Wear the style with comfort. This reflects an impact of the target audience that is youth goes for style while adults prefer comfort (Greenwald, Anthony and Leavitt 1984). The brand strategy of The T-shirt Company is Brand Extension. Brand extension means coming up with a new product line along with the existing one. Initially we will emphasis on our core product that is the T-shirts. With the passage of time as the profitability of the current product increases we will go into line extension that is the manufacturing of other shirts for casual and formal wear (The Finance Resource 2010). Marketing and Brand Communication Our imaginative approaches guarantee engagement, and an occupied, considerate audience will be far more approachable to our message. We can create a communications strategy to maximize the impact, by communicating with your audience prior to, and following to any marketing event. All pre-event communication will be created in-brand our website, and other media methods we are adopting. This will build up expectation. All tactics designed to enhance the brand (Laroche, Michel, Zhou and Kim 1996). 2. MARKETING AND BRAND OBJECTIVES 2.1 Marketing and Brand Objectives Brand forms the foundation of a marketing activity and Brand plays the biggest role in creating space in the minds of a customer. The strength of the brand is critical to our companys long-term business health and profits (Griffin and Pustay 2009). The utmost objective of The T-shirt Company is to make The T-shirt preferred brand among the target audience (Greenwald, Anthony and Leavitt 1984). The brand will reflect the Recognition among the competitors Targeting the audiences so as to capture Attaining a number of new clients in the next year Positioning the brand as an industry leader in the next five months Employ a local promotion with the Companys targeted audience through the use of newspaper advertisements, flyers and word of mouth promotion and internet blogs. Develop the websites to fully attain the attention of the customers who are the ultimate people to be served (Woerndl 2007). The power of our brand lies in its ability to focus on its target audiences as the specificity of the products full supports to the brand. The objective of our brand is to gain customer loyalty in order to incline the customer to come for repeat purchases. The brand development clause will be incorporated in the corporate strategy to strengthen the impact for brand in future development (Jagdish and Sheth 1971). 3. MARKETING AND BRAND STRATEGY 3.1 Market Analysis Summary The T-shirt Company has segmented this market into two groups. The first target group is one who prefers already made designs. The second group prefers the customized designs. The basis of segmentation is again based on the demographic of the buyers as there are two separate groups of buyers (Laroche, Michel, Zhou and Kim 1996). 3.2 Market Segmentation The market has been segmented into two groups on the basis of the following two characters. By product type Age group 3.3 Target Market Segment Strategy The T-shirt Company has selected two market segments i.e. follow demographic segmentation and the second is based on Psychographic segmentation. The reason is that the customers will chose according to their lifestyle (Ackerberg 2001). 3.4 Business Analysis The T-shirt industry is brick and mortar based. This business is mostly niche but The T-shirt Company is meant to cater to the general market. Most of the associate in the industry fall into two major categories which include those that sell to individuals and secondly those that vend in multi-unit production (Brister 1991). 3.5 Competition The T-shirt will face local as well as international brand competition. Along with the online competitors brick and mortar competition is also prevailing in the market. Large numbers of companies are involved in computer based techniques to cut costs. The T-shirt Company is able to influence proprietary expertise as an aggressive edge to produce much higher quality computer sublimation (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). 3.6 Promotion Strategy We will adopt the push strategy making use of a companys sales force and trade endorsement activities to create consumer demand for a product (Laroche, Michel, Zhou and Kim 1996), 3.7 Price and pricing strategy The per unit price of each item i.e. one t-shirt is $ 20 which is very competitive as compared to the market. The price charged for products and services is set synthetically low in order to gain market share. Once this is achieved, the price will be increased. This approach will help in attaining the market share initially (Johnson 1998). 3.8 Strategy and Implementation Summary The T-shirt Company will influence its two competitive edges on rivals to quickly grasp and gain market share. These two competitive edges are wide range of graphic designs and the cost efficiency of the technology. Student groups and Youth events will be targeted. The same way, the sales campaign will attract the customers through word of mouth referrals (The Finance Resource 2010). Here you just define the things but you didnt explained what our company will do. I think if you read the details properly, you can find the proper procedure regarding the companys working 4. ACTION PROGRAM 4.1 Market Segmentation The market has been segmented into two groups on the basis of the following two characters. Market will be segmented on customer age basis. Ages 12-25 will be in more focus Market will be segmented on the basis of students because students will be our main customer Segmented to all those customer earning accumulative $ 8000 The marketing campaign will emphasize to promote the online shop as giving the customer a customized product (The Finance Resource 2010). There are few of the tactics to inform the customers about the venue of the product .The message can be spread as follows. 4.2 Promotion through Events Different events will be sponsored which includes sports events and music festivals along with the innovative kind of tremendous sporting events as a means of growing visibility. 4.3 Promotion through Kiosk The store will have a computer kiosk for customers to access the design book. The customer can then put the order online or take the information to a worker to place the order (The Finance Resource 2010). 4.4 Promotion through Student groups The T-shirt Company will involve student groups to actively participate in increasing the awareness about the product. The demographic and psychographic both factors will be visible in this tactic. 4.5 Product The major product is the t-shirts which will be promoted to the customers through the above mentioned media. 4.6 Logo Creation Our company will choose a logo for its branding. The logo will be source of recognition for the company since the emblem comes to the mind of the audiences. 4.7 Sales Forecast and sales Action plan The sales output will be conservative in the first year in order to fulfill the set targets. The sales forecast will be divided on the basis of the two factors that graphic design and the product type. The sales will be performed directly on the website portal. The directions for the usage of the site will be easy to understand so that the customer will not get frustrated (Urban 2004). The T-shirt will also incorporate the techniques for boosting the sales. The priority is extraordinary customer service. The second technique is to fulfill the order giving the customer a feeling of furnished product and giving the customer a sense that the business is meant for the customer. Sales can be enhanced by providing high quality products. 4.8 Website Optimization The website will be essential in The T-shirt company marketing effort is a key sales tool for both distant and customers. The access address will be used in promotional material and by heartening people to explore the company products. Good quality promotional t-shirts T-shirts printed with your logo or message. Branding is all done by sprinting. Graphics approves through e-mail. No hidden charges Free delivery to customers (I noticed you are giving references in every paragraph, but this is the plan in which we have to write our own company plan, so there should be more words(plan or strategies) from our side) You are absolutely right but This is the same way we asked you in HR assignment if you remember.. but we were asked to insert the reference in every part of the assignment 4.9 Market Audit The audit will include psychoanalysis of the companys marketing strategy, marketing association and marketing efficiency. It must be organized in order to give concrete conclusions based on the analysis. To make certain impartiality, this market audit is best done by a department, person or organization that is independent and is away of the marketing program. Marketing audits must not to be done when the value of a current marketing plan of a company is in problem; it has to be done sporadically to isolate and resolve problems prior to they arise. Marketing audit will be held in case if the existing marketing plan fails to operate effectively. The audit will be run accordingly to solve the problems in advance. It means that marketing audit will help the company in gauging its profitability and effectiveness (Xiaofen and Yiling 2009). The company will actively look, make possible, and give confidence for feedback, both encouraging and pessimistic by creating friendly and omnipresence of complaint and suggestion systems (Woerndl 2007). 4.10 Management Our influential online entrusted management system can make possible all communication; this includes organization of enticement and registrations, ensuring all delegate necessities are met 5. PROJECTED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT 5.1 Financial Look Up The sales forecast is sensibly conservative so that goals will be attainable. Sales will be slow at the start, a function of the fact that The T-Shirt Company is just a start up organization and it will get time to build an ample foundation. The total budget we assume $100,700/- approx here we take assumption of increase in sale and percentage of taxes and interest rates. 5.2 Assumptions Percentage Increase in Sale 147% Percentage Cost Of Sale 147% Inflation Rate 21% Increase in Rent per Year 10% Payroll Tax 15% Interest on Debt 10% Tax Rate 30% Total Equity 25200 Total Debt 75500 5.3 Sensitivity Analysis The company can also faces any declines in terms of revenues in economic downtown and our product which basically considered as a non-essential item and therefore company can also faces any issues in profitability and income due economic recession. So considering the fact Company has to pay attention and focus on the sales and the profits earning should remain same or even better in any economic stage (The Finance Resource 2010). 5.4 Income Statement Year 1 Year 2 $ $ Sales 117882 291169 Direct cost of sale 58941 145584 Other Cost of Goods 0 0 Total Cost of Sale 58941 145584 Gross Margin 58941 145584 Percentage of Gross Margin 50% 50% Expenses Payroll 68400 82764 Sales, Marketing and other Expenses 2500 3025 Depreciation 996 996 Rent 11000 12100 Utilities 3300 3993 Insurance 3000 3630 Payroll Taxes 10260 11799 Total Operating Expenses 99456 118307 Profit Before Interest and Expenses -40515 27277.27 EBITDA -39519 28273.27 Interest Expense 6045 5700 Taxes Incurred 0 5743 Net Profit -46560 15834.27 Net Profit/Sale -39% (set it at -25%) 5%(this is ok) Note: 1$ = Rs. 85 (PKR) 6. CONTROL METHODS The control method comprises of the following efficiency calculating techniques. 6.1 Sales Analysis Monthly sales forecast and the target meted will be matched to find the accuracy of the promotional campaign .It will help in comparing the sales target and the discrepancies (Urban 2004). 6.2 Market-share analysis Market share will be analyzed keeping in view the sales of other competitors (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). 6.3 Expense-to-sales analysis It will clearly demonstrate the range of costs that are explicit and implicit of achieving the company sales target (The Finance Resource 2010). 6.4 Financial analysis Strict financial accountability will exist. It will calculate various performance ratios such as profit margin, Expense-to-sales analysis, sales to assets and profits to worth (Cateora and Graham 2007). 6.5 Customer satisfaction It is the eventual pointer of tracking goal accomplishment. Recurrent satisfaction and customer constancy surveys should form an essential part of any marketing drive (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). 6.6 Profitability control There is no point in extravagant limited resources on marketing efforts that guarantee nothing except name appreciation. The company will focus and check what products and consumer groups give in the most profits and assessment of running campaigns (Cateora and Graham 2007). 6.7 Efficiency control The local picture is important. The company will scrutinize if there are any divergence between the feedback of consumer types and various market niches (Brister 1991). 6.8 Strategic control The accompaniment of effectiveness control is tactical control. It counts for the overall and long-term marketing plan: It will clearly bring to the front the weaknesses, and market opportunities (Gauzente and Ranchhod 2002). 6.9 Marketing audit The marketing audit is the raw matter for the tactical control. It will ensure that the marketing plan highlight the companys strengths that are well-matched with shifting market reaction, events, fashions, predilection, needs, and precedence of consumers (Cateora and Graham 2007).